
Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday free-for-all...

I have been kinda slackerish in the blogging world this week. My brain can't process much more than what I have done so far! :P Here's my week so far:

Sunday - Church, lunch with Britt&Tess, VERB.
Monday - Doc Appt, Work, Dinner at In-Laws.
Tuesday - Work, Murder Mystery practice.
Wednesday - Work, lunch with TT and Mr. B, *sigh* finally a break...a night at home with Husby and a friend, then the accident happened, long night in the hospital waiting room.
Thursday - In late to work, Work, Murder Mystery practice.
Friday - Slow day at work...yippee...another night at home...hopefully a little less eventful this time!
Saturday - All-day Murder Mystery practice...then??
Sunday - Start all over again basically with the same schedule!

So...I dunno, but I just haven't been into blogging this week. Sure I have had plenty of time...but oh well.

I am terribly excited for the Murder Mystery; and I can't believe it is already almost here. We have 3 more practices then it is D-day...May 1st! I am SO stinkin' nervous too...The students/actors have pleased me lately with getting their lines down...this Saturday's practice will be a defining moment for us! This years play is funny, I cracks me up. I really hope the actors GO-FOR-IT with their parts...just cut loose and make this years play a HUGE success...even if we may not have numbers like we want for the fundraiser itself!
PLUG - You can buy your tickets at the door or in the Ministry Center this weekend! there! :)

I have been enjoying this week...a little Matt Maher, Brandon Heath, Needtobreathe, Passion, Shawn McDonald and Chris Tomlin...just some chill music. If you haven't checked out totally should. It's pretty stinkin' sweet.

I don't have too much more to say for now...maybe I will get a spark of something a little later...I still have 5 hours of work left!!! :P

Until better be anticipating...I have some GREAT stuff coming your way tomorrow for the I'm lovin' It series...!!!

Later Gators...


  1. i for one am SUPER EXCITED for muder mystery! :)

  2. I CANNOT believe that Brittany and Tess get mentioned as people you've had lunch with this week, but Bennet and I do not. Whatevs.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)