
Thursday, April 22, 2010

That was a long night...

She's ok...our pretty baby girl...

My Baby sister Bek was in a car accident last night with another friend. Talk about scary. For the first 30+ minutes after we heard about it we didn't know which hospital they were headed they were...nothing!

Finally we caught up with Bek at Shock Trauma...and after about an hour+ Mom and Dad finally got to go back and see her.

They were lucky.

She made it out with a hairline fracture in her pelvis and a pretty stiff neck. She has to wear this "really gorgeous" (her words) neck brace till Wednesday.

I am so thankful that God kept them safe...this situation could have been much, much worse.

...and to all the friends that came to see her and support the families involved...and those of you who prayed from are good people!! Bek may have been a little out of it, but she knew friends were there and supporting her!! Thanks for everyone's prayers and support!

p.s. - Bek you can't hate me for posting this pic...after all it's for posterity, right?! :) Besides, you look excellent for having just come from being cut out of a car! :) I am so glad you are ok! I love you Beks!


  1. Actually she does look really well for what she had just went through!!

    Thank God for his Grace, mercy and PROTECTION!

  2. i look GOOOOODD! :)
    mom got some good ones of this test i let them do to me. haha. i helped SCIENCE! hhaahaha. thank ALL who came to see me.

  3. Oh my goodness thank GOD she is ok! I do have to agree... she looks darn good for just coming out of a wreck!

  4. I am so glad to hear all is ok! You had me worried there april when I was reviewing your posts...


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)