
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In a designing mood...

What?! I haven't been here since Saturday?? (even more technically specific...since FRIDAY...after all if you notice the time stamp on the Saturday posts it is before my weekend wake-up call...those puppies are scheduled in advance!)

*looking down, hands in my pocket...shuffling my right foot out to the front from side to side tracing a line on the ground...*

My bad.

I'm here now...and with some GOODIES to boot! So most of the bigger basement projects are on hold for the Spring and Summer months because we are headed outside!! The weather is nice, so I will have lots of Husby-help to get some much needed work done to our backyard!! Remember last Spring/Summer we spent most of our time creating our front planters!! Well it's time to head behind the gates this year...

So when you head into the backyard and past the house (on your right) you will see the right side of our

Totally boring I know...but here are some initial ideas....

We will make a planter about 2 1/2 feet deep and take it all the way along the fence and around the big tree to the right. We will fill with colorful plants and hostas...there it will connect with the next space of the yard.

The shaded corner...the perfect spot for a nice relaxing retreat area (on a budget of course...can't go as grand as I would like to with this one!)

Again...pretty boring. And the white fence is there to keep Pickle from jumping over and annoying or having an untimely meeting with the neighbors dog; as well we will be putting our rain barrel back there...out of site; but here are our ideas...

We found this super cool swing at Lowe's last night...that is a seat AND can fold down to be a bed/hammock swing! LOVE IT! Here I will also put my ladder/trellis idea!

Now here, if you keep going around to the right you will be facing our house...and there is the gate you just walked through...

More snores...I heard them...don't worry, I am so not offended! So our ideas...

We are thinking maybe a DIY fountain here? Or something else? Who knows...we have space to fill in with plants as needed. We are thinking relatively low maintenance plants and just color!!

This is the whole Right side...

(click for larger image)

I am also really wanting to add a living wall (or two) around the yard!

So what do you think so far?? Ideas? Suggestions? Offering help?? heehee :P


  1. I think it looks great! And you can also plant some sunflowers back there too. You have plenty of yard space so your new design doesn't really take away that much. I can't wait to see it happen!

  2. I am totally with Britt, I think that it is going to look really amazing:) Just don't forget to leave some dandelions for me!:)

  3. its going to look great!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)