
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Gosh...if you only knew how crazy it's been around here...

maybe then you would understand...

my slacker tendencies! :P

Well, quick update...then back to planning blogs for the rest of the week...YES, you heard right!!

So...things have been crazy...some weeks I feel like we only get one-two nights at home to do nothing, but then that nothing normally consists of cleaning up from the hurricane schedule and catching up on laundry!! haha!

Well, the photography business is picking up! I have quite a few photo shoots booked in the coming month, which I am so very thankful for!! I really LOVE doing it and everyone has been so supportive and amazing about the results I have!! Now I just have to balance my free time with time to edit and compile a shoot, so it doesn't interfere with Husby time! :P

Speaking of Husby...there are rumors floating that the new position he has been going for, for over a year may finally be his, in one way or another. So fingers crossed for that!!! It means a smidge cut in pay, as we are currently enjoying night differential and court OT as extra money, but it also means he will be OFF midnights and on a normal Monday-Friday daytime schedule. I am ecstatic. I mean, don't get me wrong, the midnight schedule works for us. And if this position didn't pan out, that's the schedule he would go back to...but a little bit of normalcy right now, would be a pleasant addition to the schedule.

There has been SO much else going on too...some days I can't see past the endless things on the calendar, but we are happy as clams. Living in the moments and making was cheesy.

But seriously...its drawing to the end of Summer...and the schedule always calms down then, and so the weather will too hopefully. (It's been over 100 too many days lately!)

So...that's the update...and I have more to show you and to blog about this I am off to do a little work, since that's where I am...then I will be putting together my posts!!

So...let's go out on a limb and say....



  1. I think that you are doing an amazing job at your photog endeavor, and I know what you mean about life being crazy. I feel the same way!

  2. I haven't been keeping up on reading my posts & have even skipped reading some (gasp!) It is crazy busy here too, just the every day busy,but man it adds up!!! Yay on the photography, I'm excited for you. You'll have to post some of your subjects so we can see what you've been up to :)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)