
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mini Fabric Bolts an outstanding idea!!!

I plan to make these when my craft room is completed!!! That way I can see all of my fabric.

Seriously. It's genius.

Make your own Fabric Bolts...

So this is pretty much what my fabric collection looks like in storage...(although, this is not my fabric collection.)

She took foam board and cut it into squares...

Then she wrapped her fabric around them...

So simple...and perfect for storage so you can see all your fabrics!!



  1. HI...I just stumbled across your blog and am so glad I did.....I *LOVE* this post. My fabric look like the posted picture x 30! I am def. going to try this...thanks for posting it! : )

  2. April, I totally love this idea!! I might have to steal it!


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