
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Homemade Pore Strips

So, I finally did it. We can cross it off my September Monthly 30 before 30 sublist... huhhh say that five times fast!!
  • Make my own pore strips
Now...with that said...we are onto the video. Which I have some special notes on...

1. This is quite possibly got to be one of the worst videos I have ever made. Seriously.
2. It's too dark, you can't even see all the nasty blackheady goodness.
3. There are random sound effects in the video...and the one sound effect that was put in for humor...doesn't line up correctly. *sigh*
4. I should probably never edit video after midnight again.

With that said...enjoy my first...super lame Vlog. I am gonna try and not let this supremely lame video keep me from doing other vlogs.


**side note...when Vimeo loads your movie, it picks a point for the screenshot...and it couldn't have picked a worse face for me...actually it probably could have...but still. Comeon! It's almost as if you look at the video and hear this before it even starts playing...Neeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr! You know, like really annoying like. Think 'Dumb and Dumber - most annoying sound in the world.' There is a title for a reason, pick that as the screen shot. Oh well.**

Homemade Pore Strips from April Eslick on Vimeo.

So there ya have it. Give it a shot...if anything it's a fun thing to do in your free time. :D

p.s. and Myya, if you loved the nose clearing video...hopefully you will find this equally as amusing...


  1. It was great!!! I think for you first one you did an amazing job!!! Can't wait to try this recipe!

  2. Yay for first Vlogs!! I thought it was awesome! I think my favorite part was the faces you made while you were waiting... classic April! :) So I have a question... is that 1 TBSP of unflavored gelatin & 1 TBSP of milk only good for just one application? Was there some leftover after you applied it, and if so did you just dispose of it afterwards?

  3. Good Job Babe. I enjoyed the Vlog.

  4. Ok so I loved it even more then the nose clearing video. I was laughing so hard that I had tears! You were all sweet sounding & informative & then you had these smart-alik comments scrolling... did I mention microwavable safe??? Freakin hilarious, seriously HILARIOUS!!! The absolute best part was the waiting though... this is where the tears came it. Good thing I am home alone because my husband so does not get this bloggy friend thing. This is when him working nights comes in handy, I can read & laugh at great blogs that he would make fun of my for if he was over my shoulder trying to figure out what the heck I was laughing so hard at. You made my night!!!

  5. GREAT JOB!!!

    The best line was "Let's see what kind of nasty things we can pull out of my nose." HHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA

    Great job! I want to make them now! I wonder if adding a tiny bit of essential oil would mess with it ... might help it smell better!!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)