
Thursday, September 16, 2010


In the planning of our "Family Story Wall" I have loved coming across cute and creative ways to remember our life together.

I absolutely LOVE Young House Love and a while back, they showcased some of the ways they showcase their I will share them with you!

This wedding shadow box is such a cute idea...they took special keepsakes from their wedding and placed them in a special keepsake box to remember them by! Adorable!

I love this idea and Husby and I have started collecting photo strips when we are at fun locations, or just for the heck of it!
I love how they use just a plain cup to keep them in, to browse through on occasion!

Another they way use them is by framing them. Probably something I will add to our "Family Story Wall."

I also love their little collection of chopsticks from favorite Sushi locations...

And how they mail a postcard to themselves when they travel...oh memories...

This is a great idea too. A little keepsake mason jar from little trips they have taken together.

I love this calendar idea. They choose phrases and jokes that meant something to them and created a calendar to remember them. Each month there is a special little giggle when they take a look at the calendar.

I love these framed keys from all their houses and homes...what a great memory. Another idea for the "Family Story Wall."

Such great ideas...just something little to remember life together. What great little treasures to pass on to your kids one day too!

How do you keep your memories?


  1. You find the most FUN craft ideas....thanks for posting :)

  2. Oh those look like fun! Especially the photo booth ones.


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