
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I love cute finds!

I was over at Funky Vintage Kitchen and I saw something I LOVED.

Do you see it over there in the distance?

How about a closer look...No. It's not the SUPER cute rosette throw pillow from Target (even though I LURVE that!) or the adorable bedding, also from Target...

Look closer.

I LOVE the framed "Did you think to PRAY" print. Love it. Not sure why. It's actually fairly simple, speaks so much! I had to have it!

So I followed April's link over to Persimmon & Pink's Etsy Shop. I found what I was looking for, among so many other wonderful prints! I purchased a 5x7 print and I can't wait to get it, to use in our bedroom!

What do you think? Isn't it great?!

1 comment:

  1. That was the 1st thing I saw in the picture. Totally perfect!!!


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