
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Designing Quatrefoil

I am so into the quatrefoil design right now it's not even funny.

I plan to use it in my Pantry...similarly to how it was used over at House of Smiths.

I may use it ON the this plate made over at Tatortots & Jello

I may make a wreath with the design...

...I really want to put it on the walls...but I need a stencil. Jen from Tatortots & Jello has a downloadable version here. (like the one seen below)

Only problem is I would be painting the blue color as seen here, over white walls. But my walls are already "flagstone" grey. Ehhh. Maybe I can cut the stencil in a way to do it the opposite way??

Instead of cutting out the design myself, I could buy a stencil, from here. (as show below) But do I really wanna pay $25 for something I can cut out myself?

I do plan to make a fabric divider wall to hide the HVAC unit and water heater. Maybe I could just use quatrefoil fabric on the divider?

But a search on google for quatrefoil fabric comes up pretty these were the best two options that I saw...

...huh yeah. The grey one comes with a $19 price tag and is a bit too old for my style. The other option...that's not even the quatrefoil design I am looking for.


Deciding how to use this design in my pantry may be harder than I thought!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I like the one that isn't really the design that you are looking for but its blues and I like the colors! Can't wait to see what you choose!


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