
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SWAP Reminder!!!

You still have time to sign up for the FALL FAVS SWAP!!!

SIGN UP closes on September 30th at Midnight!!! Hurry Up!!

Tell all your bloggy friends!!! We have 6 signed up so far!!! I would love to have over TEN for my first swap!!!

Info below:
FALL FAVORITES!!! You know...candles, decor, movies, etc. Everyone has FALL FAVS! I even created a button for our Swap. So be sure to add it to your page!!! It will link all your friends back to this post so they can join in on the SWAP goodness too! See below for all the details and rules!!

I am pretty impressed with myself!!! :) You may be sitting there thinking....what are my FALL FAVS...what can I share with others? I know for me...I have a favorite candle scent, a favorite pair of socks, scarves, movies to watch, etc. So what you want to send is COMPLETELY up to you!!! Think about special things from where you live...or special traditions that you may have. Just get creative!!! You can buy things. Make things. Just HAVE FUN!

There ARE make sure that everyone enjoys the here's the nitty gritty...

  1. Make sure you add our FALL FAVS button to your blog through a post, so myself and others will know you are participating in the swap! Please include it in a POST, not JUST on your sidebar. (Although, you can include it there as well) Just paste the code in the box provided above and wahhh-lahhh! You have done it!
  2. Link it up!! Be sure to leave your SWAP Button post link in a comment on this post, so I can check it out!!! Make sure it is the link for the SWAP post, not just your blog in general!
  3. To sign up for the swap, you will need to leave me a comment to say you are signing can be the same comment with your SWAP button post link if you want!
  4. Then send an email to with the following information. Full Name, Address, Blog URL and Email Address. Also please include if you have any allergies or sensitivities.
  5. Once you have sent off that email, I will follow up to make sure you wish to join the SWAP. If you do not hear back from me, I don't have you on my list. And if I do not hear back from you within a few days I will assume that you are not participating.
  6. You must sign up by October 6th. At Midnight on October 6th I will close the sign-up and will not accept anyone after that time. So be sure to sign up today!
  7. On October 7th, I will email you with your SWAP Partners Blog URL and their mailing information. Please RESPOND to this email, so I know you and your partner are still in! **special note** You will be sending your package to the same person who will be sending you a package. Your partner will be chosen at random!
  8. Be sure to check out your partners Blog and get to know a little about them. That may help you choose what items to send!
  9. All packages must be mailed out by Wednesday, October 13th. That gives you a little over two and a half weeks to get your items, so start shopping or creating now! If there is a problem with that date, please let me know ahead of time.
  10. The value of the contents of your package should be worth a minimum of $20. I don't want to give a max limit, however spending over $50 would be a little crazy. It's not about who can spend the most money, it's about sharing your favorites. So if you have 20 favorites, maybe you should narrow your list down to save some money. Remember the cost of shipping too!
  11. THIS IS IMPORTANT! When you receive your package you will need to do a post with pictures showing all the goodies that you received and be sure to link to the SWAP link page and your partners Blog on your post as well
  12. After you have completed your post please check my blog. On October 18th I will have a McLinky post available, where you can come and link up to your SWAP Goodies post for all to see! Well all wanna be able to Google and swoon over all your FALL FAVS too!
**This SWAP is open to US Residents ONLY. ALL Participants must have a Blog and an email address.**

Remember, if you do not post a SWAP link and get a REPLY email from me verifying that you have signed up, then I do NOT have you on my list!! Be sure to follow all of the rules!! I want this to be a great experience for EVERYONE!!

Not too bad!! This should be REALLY exciting!!! Can't wait to see what goodies everyone gets!!

1 comment:

Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)