
Friday, October 01, 2010

OMG...I could wet myself.

So you guys remember this post a couple days ago? Where I confessed my undying love talked about how much I want to design using Quatrefoil?

Well. I found it.

I know what I am going to do.

Gosh, I am so giddy now. You should see me...silently clapping my hands and twirling in my chair at work...

So I was reading over at Nannygoat and she was talking about "painted wallpaper." To be honest, I almost skipped it...but I saw this picure peeking up at me...and as mentioned in the title...almost wet myself.

Do you see what I see?  A remotely similar design to quatrefoil. Oh yes. And even an eerily similar color to the one in the Pantry.

Oh yes. The heavens parted, the sun shone through and I heard angel singing as I continued to read her post.

She said she found the template over at Jones Design Co. I ran over as fast as my little fingers could get me there. Then I saw HER example too.


I cannot WAIT to try this!

and the final result...
Did I mention that I am dying over here?!?!'s settled.
I'm doing it.
Here's the template.
I have printed it.
I will cut it out when I get home.
And at some point this weekend. I will, I will be painting.



  1. would you be mad if I did this too? cuz I love it.

  2. How gorgeous! I am totally in love!

  3. Um, the end result picture took my breath away!!!! I mean that room looked so luxurious with that design! Love it!!!!

  4. That.IS.Gorgeous! Although, I would never actually do it because it would take too long, but man would I love to have it in one of my rooms! Can't wait to see how it looks!!!


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