
Sunday, October 03, 2010

My "painted wallpaper" look...

Well, I did it. kind of

I found this tutorial and template Friday. I just knew I had to do it.

So I cut out my template, cranked the tunes on my ipod and got to work. Here was my blank wall. My test wall.

And here we have my template. Lovely. Here we go.

And boy did it suck. It was horrible. After about 8 tracings my lines started going all wonky and it wasn't matching up very well. So I gave up and painted over it all.

On to plan B. oops. I forgot to come up with one of those.

So, I went back upstairs and sulked in the living room sat in the chair and researched other ideas.

Another type of stencil?
Painting the whole shape on the wall?

What a minute? What if I made my own sponge stencil type thingee....??

Crazy enough to work? Well I am crazy enough to try, that's for sure.

So I did.

I took some old foam stuff I had laying around. See why I keep random things dear Husby? :)

I cut small strips and hot glued them around my cardboard template. Then I covered it with white paint and went to work... 

So far, so good. I am really liking it. So I go into this plan knowing that I am going to fill in the spongey parts with more white paint for a solid white look. But I am actually liking the spongey look...

Oh boy do I love it...Is this really going to work?!?! *giddy with excitement*

It looks kind of aged...

I nearly finished an entire wall in just 25 minutes. I went as far as I could until we can move the freezer for me to get the wall behind it. I also have to cut the template down when I am all done so I can do the top and bottom of the wall too...

I am seriously IN LOVE with it!!!

I  have had this stupid grin on my face most the evening. Now I just need to finish the rest of the walls that I am using this technique on, then work on my divider, where I will be doing the opposite look. A white divider and grey shapes on the divider.

I can't wait!!


  1. It does look super cute! I like the sponged look for this room. Well done, girl!!

    PS: Just because I'm uber curious... how are you going to keep the sponge in good condition when the paint dries, in order to be able to use it again??

  2. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Really love it! LURVE!!!! - Becky W.

  3. Super stinkin' cool!!!!!

  4. this is really freaking cute!

  5. Sarah, I wrapped the cup of paint and my sponge in a grocery bag and put it in the refrigerator, it's still good. When I am ready to use it again...I will just spray it with water. :) easy peasy.

  6. I LOOOVVE THIS!!! What a great idea to create a sponge, this is easy enough a non crafty person like me could probably do it.

  7. Stephanie Walker12:24 PM

    APRIL!... That is so COOL! I really love it. I wish I could think of something like that!

  8. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Great idea!! I was planning on painting a backspash and I think I will try using a sponge instead!

  9. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I just came across this template today and said wow this is how I want my bathroom to look. Then I decided to google painted wallpaper templates to see what else was out there. Boy am I glad I did I came across your site and you explain how you did it my sponging it. Doing it your way thank you so much you are going to save me alot of time.
    Chesterfield, VA

  10. thank you for being creative and thinking this up!!! i have wanted to do painted wallpaper for months but know I don't have the patience. this is a perfect solution!


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