
Monday, October 04, 2010

Once upon a time...

There was a girl who wanted to make a sweet snack for her Husby...

So she added the ingriedients...

She went to her favorite tool...

...and she mixed, mixed, mixed.

She followed directions...and put the yummy goodness in the cupcake wrappers...

...dropped in the special bonus...

She baked them all up...

and showered them with homemade icing and chocolate chips...

In her excitement, she anticipated her sweet Husby's return home to try the special treat...

He opened the treat...

and he took a big 'ol bite...she held her breath for the results...

She peeked through her squinted eyes to see the sweet-toothed-response, but it was not what she expected to see...

"Something is missing!" says her oh so-sweet Husby...

and sure enough, something was amiss. She had worried that this sweet treat had fallen short her goal to please the tastebuds of her lifelong love...but this only saddened her more. The sweet treat, and the bonus inside had failed to return the response that she wanted.

she may have sulked for just a moment before being swept up with encouraging words from her Husby.

Maybe she will try again soon to please the tummy of her Husby...but for now she chose to rest her feet and thank her Husby trying taking the risk to try her treat...

Better luck next time :)

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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)