
Thursday, July 29, 2010

My pups

Yeah...a little snippet of my first pet photoshoot...with my own models. :P

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sweet simplicity...

I hope to one day be a mommy who has a little fun and creativity in all the small naps.

Here are some of the cute things that sweet Mom Adele creates while her daughter Mila is dreaming away!!

"Little Mermaid"


"Surfer Girl"

"Imaginary Friend"



"Her sweet pinkness"

"A Space Odyssey 2010"

"The Elephant Rider"

Seriously cute right?!?!?!

Check it out at Mila's Daydreams!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

30 Before 30 update

Allow me to show you the progress I am making on my 30 Before 30 list....*snicker, giggle*

  1. Finish all drywalling in the basement.
  2. Recover a chair.
  3. Complete our Master Bedroom. (Paint, Furniture & Decor)
  4. Sew a dress for myself.
  5. Make Sushi from scratch.
  6. Get pregnant.
  7. Pay off Credit Cards. *I did just send $600 away to a CC. YEAH!!!
  8. Print out photobooks of my favorite photos.
  9. Have a Family Photo taken. Husby and I...and us with the Pups.
  10. Grow vegetables. *I do have one green and one red pepper growing and almost ready!!
  11. Learn how to use my DSLR in manual mode. *getting better everyday!
  12. Start journaling.
  13. Lose 20+ pounds.
  14. Make new curtains for my kitchen.
  15. Successfully launch my Photography business...aePhotography. *With over 10 photo shoots either done or booked, I consider this a successful launch! DONE!
  16. Grow out my hair. *I suppose I was a big vague about this...let's say I do have about 4-5 more inches to go though!
  17. Bake my own bread.
  18. Surprise Husby at least once a month with something fun. *Idea #1 is coming! :P
  19. Create our "Family Story" wall.
  20. Organize and add shelving to our Master Bedroom Closet.
  21. Hit 35,000 visitors on our Blog.
  22. Successfully keep an Orchid for more than 30 days. *Orchid dying. Boo.
  23. Have a successful Yard Sale. *Planning for this Saturday...although rain is planning on attending...AGAIN.
  24. Paint a picture.
  25. Slow dance with Husby.
  26. Go to a show on Broadway.
  27. Hold a puppy.
  28. Make a necklace.
  29. Grow Peonies.
  30. Get Husby to dress up for Halloween.
So far, so good in my opinion!!! One down...29 to go!!!

She's a cutie...

My sweet Olive...

One of her favorite things to do is to lay at the front door and watch what's going on outside. I found her sleeping sitting upright this evening...yep, she is actually asleep at the door right now.

What a cutie!

Mini Fabric Bolts an outstanding idea!!!

I plan to make these when my craft room is completed!!! That way I can see all of my fabric.

Seriously. It's genius.

Make your own Fabric Bolts...

So this is pretty much what my fabric collection looks like in storage...(although, this is not my fabric collection.)

She took foam board and cut it into squares...

Then she wrapped her fabric around them...

So simple...and perfect for storage so you can see all your fabrics!!



Gosh...if you only knew how crazy it's been around here...

maybe then you would understand...

my slacker tendencies! :P

Well, quick update...then back to planning blogs for the rest of the week...YES, you heard right!!

So...things have been crazy...some weeks I feel like we only get one-two nights at home to do nothing, but then that nothing normally consists of cleaning up from the hurricane schedule and catching up on laundry!! haha!

Well, the photography business is picking up! I have quite a few photo shoots booked in the coming month, which I am so very thankful for!! I really LOVE doing it and everyone has been so supportive and amazing about the results I have!! Now I just have to balance my free time with time to edit and compile a shoot, so it doesn't interfere with Husby time! :P

Speaking of Husby...there are rumors floating that the new position he has been going for, for over a year may finally be his, in one way or another. So fingers crossed for that!!! It means a smidge cut in pay, as we are currently enjoying night differential and court OT as extra money, but it also means he will be OFF midnights and on a normal Monday-Friday daytime schedule. I am ecstatic. I mean, don't get me wrong, the midnight schedule works for us. And if this position didn't pan out, that's the schedule he would go back to...but a little bit of normalcy right now, would be a pleasant addition to the schedule.

There has been SO much else going on too...some days I can't see past the endless things on the calendar, but we are happy as clams. Living in the moments and making was cheesy.

But seriously...its drawing to the end of Summer...and the schedule always calms down then, and so the weather will too hopefully. (It's been over 100 too many days lately!)

So...that's the update...and I have more to show you and to blog about this I am off to do a little work, since that's where I am...then I will be putting together my posts!!

So...let's go out on a limb and say....


Friday, July 16, 2010

Let's take a tour shall we?

Yeah...I have nothing else to do...and no room in my head to blog about something normal...+ all my pictures are at home...ehhhh sorry.

Work Desk

Items of importance:
  • My Oriental Rug Mouse Pad - probably one of my most favorite things.
  • The awkward collection of half used water bottles - I don't get it either, but I won't throw them away. Hmmm. odd.
  • The mostly uncomfortable desk chair - I say "mostly" because some days, it's perfectly comfy...while other days. I want to launch it through the windows in my office.
  • My dreadfully slow printer - It's just that. Dreadfully. Slow. Ugh.
  • Bonsai ficus tree - Another favorite. And yes, I do channel Mr. Miyagi when it comes time to trim it. "vewwwy swoowy grasshoppa."
  • Pictures and love notes from Husby - And a collective "awwweeee" was heard from the readers. I know...cute right?!
  • Empty Wall Calendar - Cause I have been too lazy to fill it out...and because using Google Calendar is far more convenient!
  • Ever important desk fan - Because on days like today when the temp outside is nearing 99 degrees, and someone in the office set the air too 76. That doesn't fly with me.
  • Mr. Monkey, my desk friend - Mailed to our office by an anonymous party. Odd I know...but he is kinda my stress monkey. I bend his arms and leg in semi-tortuous ways to call my nerves some days. He's a good friend.
  • Rainbow pic taken by Bek - Cause it's pretty.
Now you have seen it all. Feel better?

Yeah I know...I wasted your time...darn it. My bad.

I tried to blog. :P

Monday, July 12, 2010

I gotta put on my thinkin' cap...

Like I mentioned last week...or maybe the week before...ehhhh...

I have lots to blog about...

I just gotta think about it all and plan it all out and get some time!!

Maybe this week???

Friday, July 09, 2010

30 before 30

So, I figured I needed a good I came up with this "30 Before 30" list.

30 things I want to do before I turn 30. Seems simple enough right...
  1. Finish all drywalling in the basement.
  2. Recover a chair.
  3. Complete our Master Bedroom. (Paint, Furniture & Decor)
  4. Sew a dress for myself.
  5. Make Sushi from scratch.
  6. Get pregnant.
  7. Pay off Credit Cards.
  8. Print out photobooks of my favorite photos.
  9. Have a Family Photo taken. Husby and I...and us with the Pups.
  10. Grow vegetables.
  11. Learn how to use my DSLR in manual mode.
  12. Start journaling.
  13. Lose 20+ pounds.
  14. Make new curtains for my kitchen.
  15. Successfully launch my Photography business...aePhotography.
  16. Grow out my hair.
  17. Bake my own bread.
  18. Surprise Husby at least once a month with something fun.
  19. Create our "Family Story" wall.
  20. Organize and add shelving to our Master Bedroom Closet.
  21. Hit 35,000 visitors on our Blog.
  22. Successfully keep an Orchid for more than 30 days.
  23. Have a successful Yard Sale.
  24. Paint a picture.
  25. Slow dance with Husby.
  26. Go to a show on Broadway.
  27. Hold a puppy.
  28. Make a necklace.
  29. Grow Peonies.
  30. Get Husby to dress up for Halloween.
So that's it.

30 things I want to do before I turn 30.

Some are silly.
Some are serious.
I just figured it would be a fun challenge...and here's how long I have to do it all...


What a GREAT giveaway Little Birdie Secrets is having!!!

Do you want a Silhouette SD???

I am serious.

It looks amazingly fun!!!

Check out the giveaway here.
Learn more about the Silhouette SD here.
Follow the Silhouette Blog here.

AHHH!!!! I hope I win!!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

*cricket, cricket*

I no feel good.

It's like 185-bagillion 105 degrees outside.

I'm hot and sick.


Tuesday, July 06, 2010 my magic number.


This is the number of Photoshoots I have this week.

I am nervous.

...not sure why, cause I KNOW all of them.

Maybe nervous cause I want it to be GREAT!

I have alot of ideas, so let's hope I don't blank out! haha!

So check back soon...and I will share some sneak peeks! :)

Friday, July 02, 2010

Zipper Necklace!

This a pretty cute tutorial. I am not too sure that I would wear one...but I think the younger gals might enjoy it!!

So, if you have any of these laying around...

Head over to Infarrantly Creative to check out the tutorial!!

Doggie Pool Day

So last week it was Hot, Hot, HOT around these parts. So I spent one afternoon out back and let the pups have a swim day...well Olive had a swim day at least...

She LOVES the water, I am sure you have heard me mention that many times in the past!

She has a method to her madenss...she takes one paw and raises it into the air...

She plops it hard down into the water and waits for the SPLASH...

Then...she attacks the SPLASH...snapping at it and barking at it!

All the while...Pickle watches from afar. He doesn't care much for water at all!!

He would occasionally wander over, licking his chops like the water action looked appealing...

...but then he would just wander away...

and then plop down in the sun to rest and watch Olive enjoy her own personal water-world!

"Hey! Pickle! Where'd ya go?!?! Don'tcha wanna play with me?!?!?!"

So, in an effort to get Pickle involved...I tried tossing the ball into the water...(fav picture of the day by the way!)

He missed the he carefully hops into the water...

...he locates the ball...

...then he quickly dunks his head under water to grab the ball...

...and he makes his quick escape!

All the while...Olive carries on with her...plop...splash...snap...bark routine!!

and I loved every single second of it!! :)

the wonderous Pergola... a must-have!

I totally want a Pergola in my yard; I know exactly where too...!

I know I won't get it for a while...but what a GREAT idea!!

She took a regular ol' Pergola...

*cute pup!!

Added a little drop cloth...

Did a little swoopy over-under action...

Threw in some lights for good measure...and WAAHHH LAAA!!!

See the beauty at night?!

Me = jealous.

Thursday, July 01, 2010