
Thursday, July 31, 2008

The demand is overwhelming

April writing...

Some of you are saying...'it's about time.' However I beg of you to remember, I blogged almost everyday on vacation...that's pretty darn good. So keep your pants on and enjoy today's blog full of minor nothingness and other blahs. :)

So, it's been back to the grind this week. I actually took an extra day off work on Tuesday, to get caught up on some sleep, laundry and just 'home' time. It was nice. Cory and I spent the day together and got acclimated to MD again. Yesterday was my first day back. Of course it was dreadfully long, but that is because I stayed up way to late and was sleepy most of the day. I did however get good news at my lunchtime WW weigh-in...I only gained 2.2 pounds while on vacation! I was majorly happy about that. Never thought a gain would make me smile, but this one did. You see, in my head I was thinking that I probably put on around 5-7 pounds and I sincerely hoped for no more than that. Then to hear that it was even less was AWESOME. So it's also back to the daily 'new food lifestyle' (not diet) grind as well. So far, so good. Although I was a little 'snacky' yesterday!! (heehee)

We went back to church last night and it was great to see all the Verb teens...especially when they were as happy to see me as Jenny was!! (teeheehee, love you Jenny!!) We wished farewell to Johnnie, he has been our Intern over the summer and it has been good and I am sure helpful to Jason to have around!! :)

Onto has been pretty steady at the office...which has caused a delay in (even though I am faking it quite well now, I don't have much to say, but I am sure the more I type the more I will think of.) Tonight I am hosting a Stampin' Up Retirement Party at my house for some of my fellow SU ladies (the ones that normally attend my clubs). There are some great stamp sets and accessories that are retiring as well as some new products (that I am so excited about) coming into the new catalogs. (August 11th!!) So hopefully we will get some sales tonight and have an enjoyable time. I have freebies, snacks and friends so it should be fun! :)

I have been really driven lately (I say lately, partly I just mean the past two days! ha) to decorate my house. Starting with the kitchen, I have decided recently to do away with the 'Americana' theme in the kitchen and go with something a little more 'French Country Bistro' inspired. I searched on Google for a few ideas, but came up empty...sorry. I am looking for kind of the rod-iron, old style signs and Parisian style trinkets to decorate with. (Britt you have rubbed off on me a bit) Who knows...I actually need to find a few base style ideas to start with and go from there. Maybe I will hop over to Home Goods and see what they have to offer me?! :)

Next or simultaneously (ha) I want to move into the Master Bedroom. I don't honestly have any idea of the name of my theme in there. But it is Tans, Dark Browns and almost a baby blue color. All inspired from my comforter set and picture. My wall art shown below:

This is kinda what my bedding looks like (use your imagination, if you haven't seen it before.) Instead of the ruffle end on the pillows ours is straight and flat. And the main comforter looks like this one, except the cream stripe on our bed is dark brown. I love it!!

So my idea for the room here is to paint the ceiling and down onto the wall about 4-5" a light tan color (very light.) and then get some wood strips (kind of like you would see as the threshold to a room) Paint those strips the dark brown to match the stripe on the bed and place those right below the end of the tan ceiling paint (to give the illusion of a higher ceiling) then paint the rest of the wall Blue to match the bed. Or not. I am kinda stuck on the actual wall color. I don't want it to be TOO much you know?! *ehhh

As far as other extras for the room goes, I have a few other wall pieces. One that says, "and they lived happily ever after" and the other one...I just got today. It says, "all because two people fell in love." Love those!!! ahh! So anywho...that is my game plan. Of course it will be a slow we are trying hopefully more diligently each month to pay down debt. So this will be of course when funds allow. Remember, we are also trying to finish up the half bathroom downstairs. Which is coming along great. We have the room painted (although it does need another coat.) and soon we may have the flooring down. We have the vanity, toilet, cabinet and medicine we are just about done!! YAHOOO!!!

Well, that be all for now...and I just realized that I totally didn't offer up any WORDLESS WEDNESDAY love my bad. Here's to "Totally great picture Thursday?!!"


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back to...Work??

April writing...

Yes. I am.

And I am sleepy. Although I am the moron who stayed up till 2 am, why you ask. Who stinkin' knows. I wanted to get completely done with laundry and clean my room back up. It seemed like a good idea at the time. No longer though, no longer.

I don't have much to write...I have posted all my vacation pics to my Myspace page, you can check them out there.

Uhm, yeah. I got nothing.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

We are at out hotel, but internet limited.

Cory Writing....

Hey guys we arrived at out hotel safely and we are enjoying our stay. The bed is a whole lot better for me, but now April doesn't like it.

I am sitting downstairs on the computer waiting for 12:15 because I need to check into our flight tomorrow, so I thought I would update you guys.

We checked into out hotel on Friday and then we took a little nap before heading to the Dodger Game. We went to the Dodger game and had a great time. It was so nice being back at Dodger Stadium. The game was very good and very quick (much to Aprils appreciation). The Dodgers were able to pull out a win, which doesn't usually happen when I attend the games.

Saturday we decided to head out to Hollywood and see the walk of fame, Rodeo Drive, and hopefully catch a peek at some stars. We were able to do everything, but catch a peek at some starts. Although we did see a security caravan leaving a hotel and we followed it a little bit, but then we got nervous that they might stop and come after us. So we stopped following and went back to Rodeo Drive.

We had a great time in Hollywood, but it wasn't all that. It was very dirty and ghetto.

Today we are just hanging out at the pool and then we are headed to a formula 1 track to drive some go-karts. Then we are going to April's Aunt's house again for dinner and to return some things she let us borrow. Well it is about time for me to check into our flight, so until next time.

Peace, Love, and Hair Grease.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Leaving on a jet...oh nope! Not yet...

April & Cory writing...

Yeah that's right...first thing this morning I was met with opposition in getting into the grand ol' media guessed it...Old-Man-Media-Room was in here...but I kicked him out. (And by that I mean I hovered in the room till he asked if I needed the computer...but I still got rid of him! *SCORE!*)

Cory and I are checking out of Beso Del Sol and into The Ayers Hotel for our last three days of vacation! We have had a blast so far.

Didn't take many pictures yesterday...We went to take a look at Cory's last California house and to check out Tiger Woods Learning Center. He expected it to be a little bigger he said. We then went to visit some friends of Cory's family, the Hollimans...we had an amazing dinner and great conversation. It was alot of fun.

Now we are headed into Anaheim to check into the Hotel...not positive of the computer situation so this may be the last you hear of us...or not. *insert evil laugh here*. So until next time...

Later Gators!!! *and thanks for all the comments while we have been gone!!!*

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Seriously...we PUT on sunscreen...

April writing...

Sorry it's been a day or so I think...(Old-Man-Media-Room) has been hogging the computer. boo.

Well I have lots of pictures to share with let's get started shall we?! Let's see, we will go back to Tuesday morning...ZOO day!!! First off we went to Breakfast in the Park for some huge cinnamon rolls...(another place on Cory's list). They were so yummy!

And we got to feed the ducks...they were fun!


Then we drove out to just outside of San Diego for the Zoo's Wild Park (we opted out of the actual ZOO for something different) It was a HOT day!!

But we got to pet these deer like animals....they were totally chill too.

And I got to hold kept trying to eat my shirt haha!

Here we are riding the tram all around the "Africa" portion of the park, we saw Zebra, Rhinos, Giraffes and much more!

Us trying to take a picture with a Lion cub but he was not working well with us haha!
The Wild Park was alot of fun and we did alot of we were pretty exhausted and were ready to head home. On our way we stopped by Saddleback Church (it was HUGE) to look around...and then we headed to Huntington Beach to try and catch the sunset...we were a little late...but still got some cute pictures!!

Yes, it was chilly :)

Now where are we...ahh yes. Wednesday...BEACH day! We were so excited for beach day, but when we got there the water was...well, still cold haha! And the water was really too chopping and wave-y (ha) to swim or even boogie board. Cory tried once and within 3 minutes he was swooped pretty far down beach from where I was sitting...or rather sunning (got plenty of it too!)

So we basically laid out all day...oh boy. And I got a little bored at times, so here are a couple of my fav pics from boredom time with April :)

Big toe.

After our restful and sunny beach day we decided to trek out to take a look at some other beaches that we had been told about. First off was The Wedge. A great place for Body Surfers (that was too cool) and Boogie Boarders. It was really nice.

Here is a Boogie Boarder doing his thing...see how big the waves are?

Here we are leaving The Wedge...there were these really amazing trees all around the beaches...just had to get a pic with them!

Now here we are at Salt Creek so so pretty. The sand was SO soft too.

I got alot of great pics at this are a few...

Of course...
Cory took this one...he is learning :) And doing a great job!

Well, that is about it for Tuesday and Wednesday...we are now looking at a FREE real plans. So we will see what happens...and I will be sure to post more pics later. We miss everyone and here's a special SHOUT OUT to Jason and Brittany...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY today guys!!! We are glad you guys are around! :) Enjoy your special day!
Adios Muchachos!

Monday, July 21, 2008

t o a s t e d.

April writing...

Today was DISNEYLAND! It was so much fun! I am TOTALLY worn out and tired haha and yep...(check the title) I am toasted. I knowingly didn't add any sunscreen...I mean I thought about it, and was like...ehh I have been here almost three days and don't have any sun that has changed haha! And it is in perfect tank-top formation...great. And I have a WHITE neck to go with! :)

Here are some pictures from the day... :)

With Mickey..of course...

HAHA tried to do the 'mini-rocker on the ride!! haha'
Cory is a REDNECK hahahahaa!!!

Cinderella...just for SARAH! :)

Tinker....too cute!

haha, me annoying Cory with the camera, just like always!


So sad we are leaving...but so tired!

After Disneyland we went to Fuji Burger...a place on Cory's list of places to eat...he of course was a happy camper again! :)
More to come...the ZOO is tomorrow! Later Gators!
Thanks again to Jacque and her sister Jenny for getting us the tickets and hanging with us a little while! :)
AND CHECK BACK to some of the other posts I have ADDED more PICS!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Busy VACA Sunday...*updated with TEXT and PICS

April writing...

Hey there everyone! We are still very much enjoying our vacation! Yesterday evening we went and played Mini Golf at this great place called BOOMERS...and got some great pics!!

Then we went out to eat with My Aunt Zelma, Uncle Ray Ray and Grandpa (boy did we really confuse Grandpa when we walked into his house in California! haha)

Yes, this is us in a TREE...haha Uncle Ray Ray's idea :) Too cute though!

We went to eat at Acapulco...and it was yummy. Had a nice time with them and headed home for another kinda early night...seriously I am exhausted, my body is not settling into the time change very well. And I am getting up early too! AHHH!

Well, today we got up and went to Living Waters church, this is the church that Cory grew up in. He got to see alot of his old friends and afterwards we went to a picnic, that was arranged for us by our friend Jacque. (THANKS!) He got to see more old friends and it was a really nice time.

After that, we headed back to our place and hit the beach...

...well for about an hour and half at least. The water...still FREEZING...seriously now I know why everyone wears wetsuits around here, and it's not just for the surfing!!!

We are now getting ready to head over to the Huntington Beach Pier and walk around...

See, here is my proof that the water is FREEZING!!!

And it was really cold outside on the pier 69 degrees...see I had goosebumps!!!

As we were leaving I saw this 80 year old Hydrangea plant...the blooms were as big as my head!!! SO pretty!

then over to The Island for of Cory's favorites. He is knocking on the media room door now to head out! And check this out!!
He was a happy camper*

Later Gators!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our first nights sleep...

April writing...

Well the bed. It sits between that really comfortable but almost too soft feeling...but overall it was a nice nights sleep. We actually went to bed at 10:30 pm. I told Cory, "You gotta be kidding me, first night of vacation and we are already in bed!" (this after already having an hour and half nap after we got into our room at 4pm. But then again, he said, "Well it IS 1:30 our time..." So then I felt a little better about being and old lady and going to bed so early! ha! And as you can see, even after sleeping around 10 hours, APRIL is up before 9 am on a Saturday *gasp* IIIII know!!

Well, we are thinking today is going to be a beach day...Cory is in the room checking out the weather and of course watching the Golf Channel...oh THANKS Beso Del Sol (our hotel) your teased me with having NO sound on ESPN, but the Golf Channel?? Come on really??? haha!

I know you were teased with some pictures in an earlier entry, but last night there was an older gentlemen in the media room (where the computer is) on the computer until WAAAYYY after when the media room is to be closed (10pm...) so basically he stole my idea and I couldn't get on. Now I am just too excited to get my day started to see if I can put some pics maybe that will be for later tonight. If Old-Man-Media-Room doesn't take my idea again!

Love ya's! Thanks for the comments so far...Sorry for any of you in MD I here it's NASTY...and to quote Cory, "Sorry, but you can't see it (or feel it too) from my front door!"

So far today we drove down Pacific Coast Highway and visited Newport and Laguna Beach. We had lunch at a little diner named Ruby's it was SO yummy!! :)

Then we headed back to our place to walk over to the beach. It is cloudy and the sun is barely peeking through. Our trip to the beach didn't last long, it was too cold!! But here is at least ONE pic for ya!

till next time!