
Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm mobile...

April writing...

Wow. The potential ehh? I have been thinking and I can actually blog while away from my desk now. Instead of trying to remember to blog something or even blog to be posted at a later date. ha!

For today...I have a little special journey through time...a trip back in time in my relationship with Cory.

(since I just transferred some pictures from my external hard drive to the laptop...whom I have lovingly named "Hattie Pearl" or "Mrs. Pearl.", yep...she's an HP...lappytop and obviously...I'm a dork.)

We were married in 2003...after for dating a little over 2 years.

(pictures are ordered oldest to newest, left to right, top to bottom.)
My it seems like we have changed so much, yet not changed at all! It's been a great journey together. We have had our shared of ups and downs...and he continues to be my best friend.

oh well...enough sappy-ness...haha.

Until next time...and who knows what is coming...!!

New toys...

April writing...

I am typing this post from our new toy. Mine and Cory's Christmas present to each other. A new HP G60 laptop.

She's a beaut!

She is so sleek and sexy.
Her buttons are fresh and crisp as they click under my fingers.

I love her.

...ok I am a little excited. There is alot of potential with this sweet little thing. I can transfer all my work for VERB onto her and then take it directly to church when we need extra items! I am just stoked!!

Anywho...thought I would drop by and say hey...Cory and I had a great Thanksgiving with our families and friends...the food was delish and abounding and the laughter and memories were all I could ask for! We had a great Black Friday...we weren't too caught up in the shopping, we had two goals in mind...a new GPS and a new LAPTOP...and we accomplished those goals with savings to boot!

So now, it's onto shopping for a few Christmas presents for the kiddos in our lives. And I need to prepare for the upcoming Cookie Exchange and we need to get out schtuff for the Gingerbread House Competition. It should be a fun Holiday season, one of my favorite times of the year.

I hope you and your families enjoy the special times together as well!!! Until next time...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


April writing...

I'm thankful.
Husby, my best friend.
My pups.
My Mom and Dad.
My Sisters.
John & Cristy.
JoJo, Tammy and the kids.
Jason & Brittany.
My Cuppycake.
My girls, Manda-Rose and TT.
My boyfriend, Mr. B.
The Verbies.
My job.
Money in the bank.
Flippy floppies.
Husby's job.
Brown Sugar Cinnamon Poptarts.
Heating & AC.
God's forgiveness.
My House.
Date nights.
Good health.
Extended Family.
A good movie.
French Fries & Baked Potatoes.
Inside jokes.
Students that love wholeheartedly.
Unconditional Love.

There is definitely so much more...this is just a taste.
What are you thankful for this year.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Absent....errr uh PRESENT!

For now at least.

What's up with this once a week blogging?! I am not too sure myself. I haven't had the desire to blog at all. And what the's November 24th already?!?!

So I'm working on a pillow for my bay window. And it has now been sitting on my dining room table for over a week. I think I am very intimidated. I am making the cover from scratch. It's making my head hurt. And I see it every time I come in my house or walk through my living room. I feel like it's kinda taunting me...telling me I will never finish it. Or if I won't look good. I am already doubting my fabric choice. It's too hard. I wanna quit that project and do something else fun and cute. Ehhh.

I am Black Friday pre-shopping and researching online today...I want to get the best deal. It's kinda stressful.

I feel kinda like Summ in my blog today...but that's just cause I love her. :P

Ok, that's it for now.

Monday, November 16, 2009

yeah 'bout that...

April writing...

It happened. I got behind.

I need to clean my house.
I need to catch up on laundry.
I need to edit my 365's.
I need to memorize my lines for the Children's Christmas Play.
I need to find a Murder Mystery script for our 09 date.
I need to sew a cover for my window seat.
I need to find fabric for said window seat cover.
I need to clean out our closets and get rid of clothes we don't wear.
I need to type a script and find two other scripts for the Drama team.
I need to drop 15-20 pounds.
I need to blog.

I'm sure there is more.
I need to get back to basics and back to removing the chaos of it all.
I can do that.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Simple Pleasure

Cory Writing....

Today is Thursday and that means it is time for you to share your simple pleasures.

My simple pleasure this week is being on a normal schedule. I have temporarily (hopefully permanently) changed positions. I have gone from working Patrol on the midnight shift to working in a school. My schedule is know a normal Monday through Friday gig. That allows me to spend quality time with my wife. This is the first time since we have been married that I have been on a normal schedule.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

How does your toilet paper hang?

April writing...

Image courtesy of

And since we are on the you waste TP?

And for the decorator in all of are some great ways to store toilet paper without junking up the bathroom! Courtesy of Young House Love.

Top 5 Tuesday

April writing...

Let's hear it...

What are your TOP 5 Fall Meals or Desserts?

Here are mine...somehow all of these SCREAM Fall/Winter to me!
5. Oreo Bark
4. Crunchy Peanut Butter Balls
3. Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich
2. Apple Pie
1. Chili and Cornbread

Your turn!

Monday, November 02, 2009

Monday Moan

Cory Writing......(yes that is right it says Cory)

Today is Monday and I am going to do the Monday Moan because my wife doesn't have anything to moan about and I can always think of something to moan about. Ha Ha

My Monday Moan today has to do with ignorant people. Last night after Verb several of us went to Chipotle and we were in line waiting to be served. This lady in front of use was telling the employee what she wanted on her burrito. She asked for extra meat, so the lady gave her a full spoon instead of the half spoon, which is an extra $2 charge. The lady started getting all ignorant, so the manager came over quickly to try and avoid a situation. She told the lady a full spoon is considered extra and the lady states, "That ain't extra enough for me." So the manager gave her about 4 more pieces of chicken and the lady stated, "Oh that is better."

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. You are making a scene over 4 pieces of chicken....C'MON MAN!!!!!!!

What is your Monday Moan???????

More Cloche encounters...

April writing...

*Target versions...

ahhh I want one of each!!! They are simply ADORABLE, and the BEST part...only $14.99!!

My bad...

April writing...

What? I've only blogged once a week for two weeks...your kidding?


It didn't seem like anyone missed me.................(cue softly playing violin in the background)

Anywho, I am here. My fault. I've been semi-busy and otherwise a little detached from the need to blog for a brief moment...but I'm back. We have had alot going on...and yet I still feel the need to pull the belt tighter and hold on because the business of late is nothing compared to what's headed towards us in the coming months!! But I am excited...with all the hub-bub it's actually one of my favorite times of year!!

Another bonus to this time of the year is my cousin Chris is coming into town for a week!!! I am just besides myself excited! Then we get to see his sister, my other cousin in January. When her and her new hubby hop over to the states (from Australia) during their honeymoon!

We have alot coming up...Thanksgiving, Christmas, Gingerbread House Competition, Cookie Exchange, Christmas Parties, Trip to NY, Children's Play, not to mention the little fun things sandwiched in-between.

I will be happily exhausted. And the best part of it all...Cory is on a normal working schedule. That's right! No more midnights for him (not for now, hopefully not for a long time!) He is M-F 8-4!!! It's been outstanding to have him around every evening, without it being interrupted with the need for a nap before work, or his having to be home to shower by 9 pm to get ready for work. So that's another great bonus!!

So...I add pictures, to blog more regularly and to bring the random just like I know I can!! :) Talk to you soon.

BTW - I was going to do the Monday Moan, but I just don't have anything to moan about. So I guess I'll see ya tomorrow for the Top 5 Tuesday and more!