
Thursday, September 30, 2010

SWAP extended!

Hey bloggy friends!

We have an uneven number of people...and so I don't have to sit out of my own SWAP...I am extending the entry date to October 6th!

So...if you are already signed up...perfect. Here are the new dates for your information.

  • SWAP Entries must be made by Midnight, October 6th.
  • You will receive your partners information on October 7th.
  • You must mail out your SWAP packages by October 13th.
  • By October 18th you should have received your packages, please return to the Blog and post your pictures and SWAP blog post on the McLinky space provided!!
Want to JOIN in on the SWAP fun? Read more about it and sign up HERE or click the picture below!!

And to all my FACEBOOK friends...have no fear...I will be hosting a FB Only Swap after this one ends! So keep your ears open for that!

BE SURE to head over to the link provided above and check out all the new dates!


I have something...

SUPER exciting.

SUPER sweet.

SUPER cute.

...coming your way tomorrow morning!

Are you ready?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I nearly died.

I have decided that Brittany (Heather Morris) from GLEE is my favorite character.

Her one liners from this weeks episode had me in stitches.

Brittany: “I don’t wanna do Britney”
Kurt: “Why no Britney Brittany?”
Brittany: “cause my name is also Britney Spears”
Brittany: “My Middle name is Susan, my Last Name is Pearce… That makes me Brittany S. Pearce. Brittany Spearce.

Brittany: “I don’t brush my teeth, I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat.”
Brittany: “I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a Dentist”

“Please don’t pull out my teeth, when I smile I’ll look like an adult baby but with boobs”

Brittany: “Looks like a Jewish cloud”

That's some funny stuff right there. And I think she did Britney Spears proud this week.

What did you think of the episode?

I love cute finds!

I was over at Funky Vintage Kitchen and I saw something I LOVED.

Do you see it over there in the distance?

How about a closer look...No. It's not the SUPER cute rosette throw pillow from Target (even though I LURVE that!) or the adorable bedding, also from Target...

Look closer.

I LOVE the framed "Did you think to PRAY" print. Love it. Not sure why. It's actually fairly simple, speaks so much! I had to have it!

So I followed April's link over to Persimmon & Pink's Etsy Shop. I found what I was looking for, among so many other wonderful prints! I purchased a 5x7 print and I can't wait to get it, to use in our bedroom!

What do you think? Isn't it great?!

Designing Quatrefoil

I am so into the quatrefoil design right now it's not even funny.

I plan to use it in my Pantry...similarly to how it was used over at House of Smiths.

I may use it ON the this plate made over at Tatortots & Jello

I may make a wreath with the design...

...I really want to put it on the walls...but I need a stencil. Jen from Tatortots & Jello has a downloadable version here. (like the one seen below)

Only problem is I would be painting the blue color as seen here, over white walls. But my walls are already "flagstone" grey. Ehhh. Maybe I can cut the stencil in a way to do it the opposite way??

Instead of cutting out the design myself, I could buy a stencil, from here. (as show below) But do I really wanna pay $25 for something I can cut out myself?

I do plan to make a fabric divider wall to hide the HVAC unit and water heater. Maybe I could just use quatrefoil fabric on the divider?

But a search on google for quatrefoil fabric comes up pretty these were the best two options that I saw...

...huh yeah. The grey one comes with a $19 price tag and is a bit too old for my style. The other option...that's not even the quatrefoil design I am looking for.


Deciding how to use this design in my pantry may be harder than I thought!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SWAP Reminder!!!

You still have time to sign up for the FALL FAVS SWAP!!!

SIGN UP closes on September 30th at Midnight!!! Hurry Up!!

Tell all your bloggy friends!!! We have 6 signed up so far!!! I would love to have over TEN for my first swap!!!

Info below:
FALL FAVORITES!!! You know...candles, decor, movies, etc. Everyone has FALL FAVS! I even created a button for our Swap. So be sure to add it to your page!!! It will link all your friends back to this post so they can join in on the SWAP goodness too! See below for all the details and rules!!

I am pretty impressed with myself!!! :) You may be sitting there thinking....what are my FALL FAVS...what can I share with others? I know for me...I have a favorite candle scent, a favorite pair of socks, scarves, movies to watch, etc. So what you want to send is COMPLETELY up to you!!! Think about special things from where you live...or special traditions that you may have. Just get creative!!! You can buy things. Make things. Just HAVE FUN!

There ARE make sure that everyone enjoys the here's the nitty gritty...

  1. Make sure you add our FALL FAVS button to your blog through a post, so myself and others will know you are participating in the swap! Please include it in a POST, not JUST on your sidebar. (Although, you can include it there as well) Just paste the code in the box provided above and wahhh-lahhh! You have done it!
  2. Link it up!! Be sure to leave your SWAP Button post link in a comment on this post, so I can check it out!!! Make sure it is the link for the SWAP post, not just your blog in general!
  3. To sign up for the swap, you will need to leave me a comment to say you are signing can be the same comment with your SWAP button post link if you want!
  4. Then send an email to with the following information. Full Name, Address, Blog URL and Email Address. Also please include if you have any allergies or sensitivities.
  5. Once you have sent off that email, I will follow up to make sure you wish to join the SWAP. If you do not hear back from me, I don't have you on my list. And if I do not hear back from you within a few days I will assume that you are not participating.
  6. You must sign up by October 6th. At Midnight on October 6th I will close the sign-up and will not accept anyone after that time. So be sure to sign up today!
  7. On October 7th, I will email you with your SWAP Partners Blog URL and their mailing information. Please RESPOND to this email, so I know you and your partner are still in! **special note** You will be sending your package to the same person who will be sending you a package. Your partner will be chosen at random!
  8. Be sure to check out your partners Blog and get to know a little about them. That may help you choose what items to send!
  9. All packages must be mailed out by Wednesday, October 13th. That gives you a little over two and a half weeks to get your items, so start shopping or creating now! If there is a problem with that date, please let me know ahead of time.
  10. The value of the contents of your package should be worth a minimum of $20. I don't want to give a max limit, however spending over $50 would be a little crazy. It's not about who can spend the most money, it's about sharing your favorites. So if you have 20 favorites, maybe you should narrow your list down to save some money. Remember the cost of shipping too!
  11. THIS IS IMPORTANT! When you receive your package you will need to do a post with pictures showing all the goodies that you received and be sure to link to the SWAP link page and your partners Blog on your post as well
  12. After you have completed your post please check my blog. On October 18th I will have a McLinky post available, where you can come and link up to your SWAP Goodies post for all to see! Well all wanna be able to Google and swoon over all your FALL FAVS too!
**This SWAP is open to US Residents ONLY. ALL Participants must have a Blog and an email address.**

Remember, if you do not post a SWAP link and get a REPLY email from me verifying that you have signed up, then I do NOT have you on my list!! Be sure to follow all of the rules!! I want this to be a great experience for EVERYONE!!

Not too bad!! This should be REALLY exciting!!! Can't wait to see what goodies everyone gets!!

Hobby to the Lobby.

Boy am I EVER excited!!!

is opening up NEAR ME (finally) on October 4th! That's next Monday!! eeeeekkkk!

I have a lunchdate.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Another one bites the dust...

I've been following this story.

I watched about 3 of their episodes on TV. It followed them and their life with sextuplets. be honest, they looked like they were headed for trouble then.

More recently stories have been circulating about Bryan being arrested for domestic violence and resisting arrest.

It seems from some of the articles I am reading that they were kind of fishing for TV spots (Deal or No Deal, Proposing on national TV at a Diamondbacks game). Not sure why, as it didn't work out too well for the Gosselins.

Well, now it's not working out for them either...

Jennifer has filed for legal separation/divorce from Bryan after the recent arrest.

It's very sad to see. You have to wonder if the issues were there before or if letting all of America in on your life like that could lead the downfall of a marriage. I wonder if she will follow in Kate's steps and raise the children on her own?


on a lighter note...

How about some cookie dough...CUPCAKES! :)

Recipe from Kevin & Amanda Blog

Oh my. Yumm.

I know. You're looking at the picture saying, "April, how is the cookie dough, still dough after baking?" Well, according to freeze the dough balls ahead of time before baking so they hold the shape and consistency of dough. Duh!

Here are the dets:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes
with Cookie Dough Buttercream Frosting

For the cookie dough:
2 sticks softened butter
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
4 tbsp milk
1 tbsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup mini chocolate chips

Directions: To make the cookie dough, combine the butter and sugars in a mixing bowl and cream on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 2 mins. Beat in milk and vanilla until incorporated and smooth. Beat in the flour and salt until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chips. Using a 1.5 tbsp scoop, shape the dough into balls or tubes. Freeze on a parchment lined baking sheet overnight.

For the cupcakes:
3 sticks softened butter
1 1/2 cups light brown sugar, packed
4 large eggs
2 2/3 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup milk
2 tsp. vanilla extract

Directions: To make the cupcakes, preheat the oven to 350° F. Line two cupcake pans with paper liners (24 total). In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the butter and brown sugar. Beat together on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Mix in the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition and scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.

Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl. Stir together to blend. Add the dry ingredients to the mixer bowl on low speed, alternating with the milk, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients, mixing each addition just until incorporated. Blend in the vanilla.

Using a 3 tbsp scoop, fill the prepared cupcake liners 2/3 full with the cupcake batter. Place a frozen cookie dough ball on the top center of each cupcake.

Bake at 350 for 16-18 mins.

For the frosting:
3 sticks softened butter
3/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
3 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Directions: To make the frosting, combine the butter and brown sugar in a mixing bowl and cream on medium-high speed until light and fluffy. Beat in the powdered sugar until smooth. Beat in the salt, milk, and vanilla extract until smooth and combined.

Frost the cupcakes and sprinkle with mini chocolate chips!

Makes 24 cupcakes.



Never in my life, have I seen racism up close. There is so much of it going around. To be honest we all probably have bits of racism or race or religion judgment floating around deep within us. I've just never seen in manifested into words against a stranger right before my eyes.

So here's the story...
I was at Target on my lunch break, I was in the shoe section looking around. There were two other couples in the same isle as me; and I was standing in the middle of them. On of them was an older white couple and the other was a young middle eastern couple with two kids.

One of the kids were crying. Not very loudly at all...and the Mother was singing to him to try and soothe him. I was really paying neither couple much attention until I heard the older gentlemen start mumbling to his wife. H would say something and she would laugh and keep looking at shoes. After a minute or two of this, I felt a tap on my elbow as I was reaching for a pair of shoes on the top shelf, when I turned the man, he actually said to me laughing, "It's bad enough they send their people to kill ours, now we have to share our county and our stores with these 'darn' terrorists too?!"

My jaw. hit. the. floor.

I felt like I immediately began trembling...either out of shock or fear at what was rumbling inside of me all of the sudden, and all I could eek out was "EXCUSE ME?! You don't know them!" I was shocked. My voice cracked when I spoke. As I said them I couldn't believe I was even speaking up. I am completely a non-confrontational person, especially towards strangers; but the words came out before I could even think. It felt like all I wanted to do was scream at him. I wanted to yell at him for assuming he knew their religion, their beliefs, etc. I wanted to make him apologize to that Family. The same family that is going to have to fight racism and judgment like that for the rest of their lives, the same ones who will have to explain to their (what looked to be 8 or 9 year old) son why this man judged them the way he did.

I am sure it was written all over my face, especially as I picked my jaw up off the floor and hid my eyes from his. I know he could tell I was upset. I could see out of the corner of my eye, that he put his hand on his wife's back and led her out of the isle and quickly too.

I still wanted to run after him and slap him.

What was worse, what really turned my stomach was when I turned to look towards that Family. The Mother had stopped singing to her child and was just staring at her Husband. I couldn't see her eyes, but I felt the sadness. I know they heard what the man said. I was immediately sick to my stomach and wanted to leave, so as I walked by the family I felt the need to apologize for the man's horrible words, so I did. "I'm so sorry" I said, she just smiled at me.

In that brief 3 minute period, what felt like 20 minutes, I felt the pain of many people. The whole thing just made me sick. I've watched documentaries and shows about racism in America, especially post 9/11. And yeah you know, who knows? That family could have been devote Muslim extremists, who believed in terrorizing our Country. Or they could have been full-blooded Americans, having the same beliefs as that Man, or as Me.

And that's just the point.

We don't know.
He didn't know.

The way he acted was despicable.

I only hope I reacted well enough. I only hope that I was able to show God somehow in my response.

I know that this is America and people can have their own opinions, but seriously? To speak out things like that about people you don't even make assumptions like that? That is not what our freedom of speech is about. And don't assume that because I am white like you, that I share your opinions.

I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around the whole situation. I really opened up alot of thoughtfulness within me, regarding how easily we all judge people around us. Whether it be because of race, religion, economic, family or career status. I'm just at a loss.



Random Thought for a Monday.

"I want to make no-sew curtains."


I'm on it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

...da music...I loves it.

Me thinks I love this song...

and the video is super cool too...


This....sounds kind of nerdy and exciting!

I want to learn all about Geocaching. I have heard of it, and seen a few videos about it. But today I watched a video of another blogger doing it for the first time. I am so in on this.

So, first things first, I did some research. That's how I roll.

I went to Wikipedia and searched "geocaching," and I learned this...
"Geocaching is an outdoor activity in which the participants use a GPS or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches" or "caches", anywhere in the world. A typical cache is a small waterproof container containing a logbook. Larger containers such as plastic storage containers (tupperware or similar) or ammo boxes can also contain items for trading, usually toys or trinkets of little value. Geocaching is most often described as a "game of high-tech hide and seek."

It's like hide and seek for adults!!

Oh this is going to be fun!

I loved reading about the terminology "Mugler" which is "A non geocacher that is in some way preventing you from finding a cache." or "Muggled" which means "Being caught by a non-geocacher while retrieving/replacing a cache; also, a muggled cache has been removed or vandalized by a non-geocacher, usually out of misunderstanding or ignorance." In most caches you will find "Geoswag" which are "The items that can be found in some larger caches."

Come on...does this not sound fun?!

So then I was off to I registered for free basic membership, did a little more light reading and then I was off to search for my very first geocache find. I was sure to search around my home, in hopes that when Husby woke up today we could head out together to see what we find! I found a geocache location only about two miles from my now I am super eager to get home and give it a try.

From here maybe we will bump up the difficulty level. It looks like you can really have fun with this! I am really excited!! Have you ever Geocached before??

I'll be sure to let you know how it works out!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rugs, Rugs, RUGS!

I am officially in LOVE.

Absolutely in l o v e...LURVE!

So I LOVE Amy Butler Fabrics. They are so poppy and cute and artsy and pretty and...I adore them.

And now, she has gone and done it...created rugs to match some of her most popular prints. I'm kinda dying over here!

Of course, I will NEVER...and I repeat NEVER own one...because they START at $799. Uh yeah...Amy Butler...come on now...did you forget about the little guy?

Wanna see? Of course you do, who am I kidding?!?!

Be prepared.

Uh yeah. Gorg!!! Ok, I am off to go cry in the corner because I will never have one. kthxbai!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our new tile...

I know it's not the BEST picture...but this will give you an idea of what our new tile looks like! I LURVE it!!

That ground walked on US!

We wered owned last our floors.

I guess it's our fault really. We didn't do the math. And yes, I do say WE here baby, because we both missed it till it was too late.

We trusted the word of someone, who may not have been our best choice. live and learn right?

What am I talking about?Allow me to explain.

We are so close to the end of our new pantry that I can smell it. Or maybe I still have the lingering scent of our ceiling paint in my nose from last nights painting...after all I was looking up most of the time, so I may have some paint up my nose. Or it could just be the fact that this paint...STUNK. I was...gross. I won't even get into what it smelled like. ewww.

Anywhoodle...we are almost done. Here's our Pantry To-Do List:
  • Build walls
  • Replace Window
  • Drywall & Mud
  • Sand and Prime Walls
  • Paint Walls
  • Paint Ceiling
  • Pull up old potentially asbestos tiles
  • Lay new tile
  • Add base trim molding
  • Sand, add drywall, mud, sand and paint window area
  • Research, purchase and install shelving
Then. We are done. It will be move in ready. Which is good because we have exactly two and a half weeks to get all the "pantry" stuff moved back down into the basement out of our spare room. Thank goodness...finally!!!

BUT...I am getting ahead of myself...again. I do have a tendency to do that!

Last night. Here is what we were met with...our floors after we ripped up the old tiles.

We were gonna lay the new 18x18 tan laminate tiles we bought. Well Husby bought them and ON SALE I might add...I was such a proud wifey that day!

We had 19 tiles. Our room is 8x11 (with about a 4x3 chunk taken out for the HVAC unit and water heater.) If you math geniuses are calculating it right out there, then you are correct. 19 tiles was NOT going to cut it.


Yeah well. We are nothing if not a little hasty when it comes to certain decisions.

Husby and I set downstairs last night to paint the stinky ceiling and lay the tiles. When I looked at the room and the size of the tiles and asked again, "How many tiles did you buy?" My not-so-math-oriented-mind started telling me we didn't have enough. So I asked, "are you sure this is enough?" I was met with a little opposition and defense...and was told that so-and-so said it would be enough. Hmmmm. I wasn't convinced, especially after doing some quick math on the calculator. BUT...we pressed on.


We even came up with a plan to just use the 19 tiles we had and make a trim of those tiles around the edge of the room...since we obviously were short on tiles. grrrrr. But the more I thought about it...that was just going to look ghetto. Husby could tell what I was thinking and just finally asked "What are you thinking? If we need to pull these up and get new ones, speak now." So I spoke. And he agreed. We pulled up the 5 tiles we had already glued down.

yeah, yeah I hear ya...took us long enough right?! least we TRIED to make it work. (thanks Tim Gunn)

We were owned. We let our excited and hastiness get the better of us and we lost.

HOWEVER I would say that after this mornings quick trip to Lowe's to get the 40+ tiles we needed, yes I said 40+. I am more in love with this new tile than what we originally purchased. (those 19 tiles we kept though...we figured we could use in them in the floor of the basement closet, where there will be plenty of tiles for the space we need to cover.) *sigh*

We picked out a more slate tile look this time, that I think goes great with the grey color on the walls! *clearing throat* Excuse me the , Flagstone paint color by Olympic bought at Lowe's. (hey I gotta try...maybe we can get sponsored! haha)

So...all in all...while about 45 minutes was wasted, we are happier now with the tile choice. Husby, his Dad and a friend are at the house now laying the tile. Hopefully he will shoot me some phone pics so I can show you too!

Home Improvement...where there's always a lesson or two to be learned! :)

The first day of FALL!

Oh yeah!!!

I am SO excited!

Falling leaves.

Crisp, cool air.



Mulled Cider Candles.

Apple Pies.

I am super excited.

There's only one problem.

Today. The first day of Fall. The weather will top out at 89 degrees.

What's wrong with this picture?

Ugh....guess I will be waiting a bit longer for the cool, crisp weather part. :P

Don't forget to sign up for the FALL FAVS Swap!!! Click the button below for more details!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall Favs SWAP!!!

I participated in my very first swap this past Spring. It was alot of fun! I have wanted to for a while, to host my own swap. So I figured, why not now! Fall is one of my FAVORITE times of the year! I can't wait to see what kinds of goodies are passed around to share!! I love so much picking some of my FALL FAVS to share with my friends...and who wouldn't like to get some fabulous FALL FAVS in return!!

So that's my swap idea.

FALL FAVORITES!!! You know...candles, decor, movies, etc. Everyone has FALL FAVS! I even created a button for our Swap. So be sure to add it to your page!!! It will link all your friends back to this post so they can join in on the SWAP goodness too! See below for all the details and rules!!

I am pretty impressed with myself!!! :) You may be sitting there thinking....what are my FALL FAVS...what can I share with others? I know for me...I have a favorite candle scent, a favorite pair of socks, scarves, movies to watch, etc. So what you want to send is COMPLETELY up to you!!! Think about special things from where you live...or special traditions that you may have. Just get creative!!! You can buy things. Make things. Just HAVE FUN!

There ARE make sure that everyone enjoys the here's the nitty gritty...

  1. Make sure you add our FALL FAVS button to your blog through a post, so myself and others will know you are participating in the swap! Please include it in a POST, not JUST on your sidebar. (Although, you can include it there as well) Just paste the code in the box provided above and wahhh-lahhh! You have done it!
  2. Link it up!! Be sure to leave your SWAP Button post link in a comment on this post, so I can check it out!!! Make sure it is the link for the SWAP post, not just your blog in general!
  3. To sign up for the swap, you will need to leave me a comment to say you are signing can be the same comment with your SWAP button post link if you want!
  4. Then send an email to with the following information. Full Name, Address, Blog URL and Email Address. Also please include if you have any allergies or sensitivities.
  5. Once you have sent off that email, I will follow up to make sure you wish to join the SWAP. If you do not hear back from me, I don't have you on my list. And if I do not hear back from you within a few days I will assume that you are not participating.
  6. You must sign up by October 6th. At Midnight on October 6th I will close the sign-up and will not accept anyone after that time. So be sure to sign up today!
  7. On October 7th, I will email you with your SWAP Partners Blog URL and their mailing information. Please RESPOND to this email, so I know you and your partner are still in! **special note** You will be sending your package to the same person who will be sending you a package. Your partner will be chosen at random!
  8. Be sure to check out your partners Blog and get to know a little about them. That may help you choose what items to send!
  9. All packages must be mailed out by Wednesday, October 13th. That gives you a little over two and a half weeks to get your items, so start shopping or creating now! If there is a problem with that date, please let me know ahead of time.
  10. The value of the contents of your package should be worth a minimum of $20. I don't want to give a max limit, however spending over $50 would be a little crazy. It's not about who can spend the most money, it's about sharing your favorites. So if you have 20 favorites, maybe you should narrow your list down to save some money. Remember the cost of shipping too!
  11. THIS IS IMPORTANT! When you receive your package you will need to do a post with pictures showing all the goodies that you received and be sure to link to the SWAP link page and your partners Blog on your post as well
  12. After you have completed your post please check my blog. On October 18th I will have a McLinky post available, where you can come and link up to your SWAP Goodies post for all to see! Well all wanna be able to Google and swoon over all your FALL FAVS too!
**This SWAP is open to US Residents ONLY. ALL Participants must have a Blog and an email address.**

Remember, if you do not post a SWAP link and get a REPLY email from me verifying that you have signed up, then I do NOT have you on my list!! Be sure to follow all of the rules!! I want this to be a great experience for EVERYONE!!

Not too bad!! This should be REALLY exciting!!! Can't wait to see what goodies everyone gets!!

Dear Someone

Dear Jimmy Johns Cashier,

When taking someones order over the phone, pleasantries shouldn't be avoided. I was very polite in placing my order, even though I was placing it with someone who was rushing me off the phone, even without asking me for my address; like normally happens when I place and order with your establishment over the phone. So when I call back, please don't answer the phone with "Hello "name of my company" I know where you are calling from, we have your address, don't worry" and then hang up on me. That's not pleasant. I think you are kind of a terd, and I just wanna make sure I am gonna get my lunch, and that I am going to get it right...because your establishment also has a tendency to leave off important aspects of my Turkey and Cheese sandwich, like say...the cheese.

Your kind of worried I won't get my lunch today, much less get it right customer.


Dear Husby,

I know you like to pick things. Most men do. Your nose. Pimples. Etc. When I do finally give in and let you help take care of a small growth I have in my ear...please do not feel that popping said growth with your finger and wiping it's spilled contents on my shirt is ok. It's not ok. That's gross. That's why God made tissue. To wipe things on. Be it boogers from your nose, pimple juice or whatever the gross product may be. Shirts are NOT for wiping. You are hereby grounded from any further skin care help I may need, until further notice.

Your grossed out Wife.


Dear Mailman,

When you approach my desk to deliver mail, I don't find it appropriate to fake sneeze on the mail. Especially when it is following me asking "if you are feeling better" knowing that you have been sick for over a week. Because now I am not going to just take the mail out of your hands as you sit there holding it for me to do so. I will let it sit in all it's germie goodness on the counter until I can spray it with Lysol. Your "let me share my germs" fake sneeze was not humorous, lets not let that happen again shall we?

Your just got over her own germs Friend.

This can feel very liberating...go ahead. Give it a try!

New money?

According to the Dollar Rede$ign Project...they think we need new money. A more updated look...they say "It seems so obvious to us that the 'only' realistic way for a swift economic recovery is through a thorough, in-depth, re-branding scheme – starting with the redesign of the iconic US Dollar." is this more of the "let's-spend-more-money-to-make-money" idea? It's never made much sense to me!

So what do you think of some of the ideas below??

I tell ya what I don't like already...many and I mean many (including the other designs on the site) are missing one crucial aspect to OUR US Currency...

"In God we Trust."

I'll never be ok with leaving that out. No matter HOW good it looks!

This one looks alright...but it's missing the "In God we Trust."

Uhm. No. Call me old fashioned, but I like the idea of just using Presdients on the currency. I mean, I guess I would be open to using people who have made a difference in our Country...but that could get a little hairy I think.


Nah. Don't like it.

I don't get the picture? Is that supposed to represent the "hills and plains?"

Ok, first off...this looks like play money. And two...if we DO use Presidents...I kinda prefer to use ones that have gone before us, so to say. Not current's like wearing a bedazzled shirt with Obama's face on it. No thank you.

This really looks like foreign currency to me. I won't wanna be the norm. I kinda like our GREEN money...

This looks like a History textbook page...nahhhhh. Although I do like the addition of some of the Amendments...a healthy reminder maybe?!

No. What is this holographic money?

Uhm...def. a NO. A TRUCK on money? What is this Bob the Builder money?!

Uh #1...the dollar sign comes first. And #2...uh no on including Hollywood on our money.

This one isn't bad...but where is the "In God we Trust?"

Interesting idea of using Our history, but no.

This one isn't's kind of the same idea and color of our current money...but again...the "In God we Trust" to me, it's THAT important.

So what are your thoughts? Do we need to update our money??