
Friday, October 29, 2010

Ringlet T-shirt Scarf

Oh I am so trying this's super cute!!

Thanks to Kevin & Amanda!


go on the pictures and head over to Kevin & Amanda's Blog to check out the how-to!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

a little lapse in posting

I know.

I have been getting myself ready for some upcoming Newborn photoshoots (SO EXCITING!) and finishing or almost finishing decorating our master bedroom, and working in the basement (well supporting Husby in working on the basement *cheese*)

So yeah, no real reason...but here I am dropping by to say I am still alive. I actually just finished setting up some future posts. I will be around? Will you?

Hellooooo have I even been missed?!?! :P *heehee*

See ya soon! Tomorrow maybe!?!? :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Swap Goodies!

I got my SWAP goodies!!! And boy are they AWESOME!!

Thanks so much to Kristin for being such an AMAZING SWAP buddy and a real one too! :)

She sent me some awesome stuff...but what was even better was how she wrapped it...
There were beautiful leaves in the box with tissue paper wrapped goodies for me to open...and sweet little notes on each!


Look at all the great loot...lemme run through the list...
  • A labeled bag for my Photography business, and sticky notes.
  • A pink and white hot liquids cup
  • Address labels for our Christmas cards
  • A hand-knit scarf
  • A beautiful jewel picture holder (on my desk at work now)
  • A Yankee Candle "Home Sweet Home:
  • Tea
  • A Cinnamon Swirl Cake Warm Delights (already eaten!)
  • And some sweet homemade cards!

Aren't the cards great?!

Oh I just love it all!

See the bag and stickies?!?!

Kristin, all the stuff was GREAT!! Thanks so much!

And thanks to all who participated!

Monday, October 18, 2010

SWAP - McLinky Post

Hey all!

By this week you should start receiving your SWAP packages! I hope you love all the FALL goodies you received! Here is where you can LINK UP to your Blog post showing pictures of what you received!

I can't wait to see everybody's goodies!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm Lovin' It

It's been a while...but I am back.

Now...onto the lovely stuff I have run across...

I'm lovin' it for sure...

Modge Podge Solar Lanterns...I am making something similar...just not with the solar option.

(image courtesy of The Hand-me-down-House)

Then there is this super cute upcycled scarflet...adorable!!

(image courtesy of Whip Up)

This little number is a great idea...check out how she did it.

(image courtesy of Emerald Cove)

Those are just a few of the things I am lovin' this week!!! Let's see yours!

Friday, October 15, 2010

You see....

I should be putting away the pantry stuff downstairs...but instead I got sidetracked. Modge Podge Lanterns.

Pictures coming soon :)

Roadside find...our next Trash to Pleasure...

My apologies for the semi-crappy cell phonepics...I was too excited to wait to get my camera!!

LOOKIE what Husby found on the side of the road for me!!!

I cannot WAIT to refinish it for my Craft Room/Studio!!!


I have no clue what I will do yet...I am sure it will involve some painting and decoupaging!!! :)

But isn't it grand?!

What a great find Husby!!! And it is HEAVY as all get-out too!

Can't wait...keep your eyes peeled for our next installment of "Trash to Pleasure" where we tackle this beauty!!

a little Gala fun...

Husby is involved with the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. as an Ambassador and a Liason between for his County. Last night we were invited to attend the Groundbreaking and Gala. It was a great chance to get all gussied up and meet lots of new people!

I loved the dressing up part!! :)

Me and my oh-so-handsome Husby...

They had some great artifacts to showcase. Many more of them will be showcased in the Museum that is now being built.

This call says "To: Daddy, wish you still could play." It was one of the artifacts left at the Memorial Wall during Police Week.

This old patrol car was actually used in the movie "Runaway" with Dean Cain.

 The Gala location was gorgeous...this was only about half of it!!

They had statues all the way up by the ceiling...we almost missed them.
and there was a huge fountain in the center...

I am so proud of all the hard work Husby has done for this organization! It shows his passion for the loss of fellow Officers and making sure that each one of their stories are heard.

We even got to meet Vincent D'Onofrio from Law & Order: Criminal Intent!!

How cool?!?!

Husby got to be a part of a video made by A&E Television, and shown at the Gala...awesome!

All in all, it was a great evening! And we meet some GREAT passionate people!! :)

30 before 30 update

So here's the progress...kinda... :P

  1. Finish all drywalling in the basement. *We are getting closer, we have insulated and purchased drywall (discounted through Craigslist). We are pretty close to hanging it all!
  2. Recover a chair. *I am starting with a bench...that counts right? I guess I will strike through when I actually finish...which may be this weekend!
  3. Complete our Master Bedroom. (Paint, Furniture & Decor) *I am marking this complete, even though I do need to hang some pictures. But the paint, new carpet and all is DONE! yeahhhh! I feel like such a grown-up!
  4. Sew a dress for myself.
  5. Make Sushi from scratch. *Pushed this goal to November.
  6. Get pregnant.
  7. Pay off Credit Cards.
  8. Print out photobooks of my favorite photos. *still working on this
  9. Have a Family Photo taken. Husby and I...and us with the Pups. *had some taken of Cory and I at our Family Shoot...planning some Fall Leaf ones later in October!
  10. Grow vegetables.
  11. Learn how to use my DSLR in manual mode. *Calling it complete. Not a pro, but have alot of knowledge now!
  12. Start journaling.
  13. Lose 20+ pounds. *I have lost 8 12 pounds since I July 9th!
  14. Make new curtains for my kitchen.
  15. Successfully launch my Photography business...aePhotography.
  16. Grow out my hair. *Now I think I want to cut it...ahhhh?!
  17. Bake my own bread.
  18. Surprise Husby at least once a month with something fun. August,September, October, November,
  19. Create our "Family Story" wall. *Designing it now. Shelves are next...
  20. Organize and add shelving to our Master Bedroom Closet.
  21. Hit 35,000 visitors on our Blog. *Getting so close...almost at 30,000!!
  22. Successfully keep an Orchid for more than 30 days.
  23. Have a successful Yard Sale.
  24. Paint a picture.
  25. Slow dance with Husby.
  26. Go to a show on Broadway.
  27. Hold a puppy.
  28. Make a necklace.
  29. Grow Peonies.
  30. Get Husby to dress up for Halloween. *The idea has been planted...we shall see!
So far, so good in my opinion!!! Seven down...23 to go!!!

Dear Someone

Dear Co-Worker,
Please stop taking my scissors, stapler, tape dispenser and copier paper. You actually have to pass the office supply closet to get to my desk. I am really saving you time. Thanks.
Sincerely, the girl who orders office supplies.

Dear Husby,
Thanks so much for the fun this week; and thanks for dancing with me last night. Not only can I check it off my 30 before 30 list, but I enjoyed it cause it was with you. :)
Love, me.

Dear Dodger (Office dog),
I give you treats everytime you come to my desk, cause I am a cool dog lover like that. I just don't get why you gruff and lick your chops at me once you are done eating. I can't give you two, you would be huge before you knew it and I don't want to be an enabler. Sorry. Go beg someone else, your chances of getting a treat per employee are pretty good.
For your own benefit,
The lady with the peanut butter treats.

Dear Facebook,
I would find it super nice if you would stop changing the Facebook photo uploader. This last option is worthless. I am not sure how going from uploading 100 pictures in two minutes to, uploading 100 pictures in 26 minutes is better?! I give you permission to change the uploader once more...or at least go back to how we had it.
The user who uploads her fair-share of pictures to your site.

Dear House,
It has been sooo great to have you back to normal. Clean and organized. I am so sorry that the disarray took over for so long. But we got you some new hair (carpet) and I am sure you are pleased about that too. Now, if we can all work as a team to keep that carpet clean. I will speak with the dogs as well.
Me, the cleaning lady.

Dear Pups,
I know you have noticed the new carpet. Olive, you can't stay out from under the beds which is where I assume you are loving snuggling with the new carpet. Pickle, it seems any spot in any bedroom is now a comfy bed for you. So here's the deal. Let's keep it clean. I know Mom and Dad seem a little silly about closing the doors when it rains, but that's to keep it clean. So...if you could just do your part to wipe your paws when you come it, it would be greatly appreciated. kthxbye.

Dear Google Reader,
I see the smoke coming from your ears...but I have been too busy to read all of my blogs this week. I have started a little this morning and not seeing that "1000+" number move after reading (skimming) nearly one hundred blogs already is very disheartening. Throw me a bone, how many am I really working with here?
The reader who is reading as fast as she can.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's SWAP time!

Have you mailed your SWAP package yet?!?! Here are some reminders....

*You may want to spend a couple extra dollars to insure your package and/or get a tracking number, so you can keep watch on your package.
* It is NOT required to wrap your items or anything inside the box but you are certainly welcome to. Being extra crafty and cute never hurt anyone :)
* When you receive your package you need to take pics of your items and then do a post showing what you received. Be sure to link to your Partner's blog. Don't forget this step. This lets me know you recieved your items and it let's your partner know they did a great job!
*Also, come back to our McLinky post on the 15th and LINK up to your SWAP Goodies post!
*There were _________ people that signed up for our SWAP, so we should have ________ links of people receiving their packages!

If you have any questions about anything please leave me a comment or email me, Slickslady (at) gmail (dot) com.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Oh hilarious...

I nearly fell off my chair when I came across this today...

see original here...


Persimmon & Pink Giveaway WINNER!

Well, my first giveaway has come to an end!! Thanks again to Persimmon & Pink  for providing SUCH a wonderful giveaway!!

One free 8x10 of YOUR choice

Ok...enough already...our winner, choosen at random by.............................................................


Comment #18!!! Stephanie Walker!!!

Congratulations to Stephanie!!! (Stephanie, email me your mailing address and your choice for your free 8x10 print from Persimmon & Pink!!)

Thanks to everyone else that commented and dropped by the site. Keep your eyes peeled, there may be more great giveaways coming very soon! :)

Thursday, October 07, 2010

FALL FAVS SWAP! Partner Day!

AS OF 11:00 AM this morning, everyone should have received their partners information! If you have not received an email from me, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!

Here are some reminders and tips to everyone participating:

* The date to mail out packages by is October 13th. This will mean that everyone should be receiving their packages in the mail the following week.
* Insure or get a tracking number for your package...just in case.
* You can make or buy your goodies for your partner, or both if you want to!
* Take some time to explore your partners blog! It will help you when you are deciding what to send them. Get to know them!!
* A lot of people will dress up their goodies inside the box...meaning many will wrap items in tissue paper, wrapping paper, ribbon, etc. It is not required.
* In the Partner Emails - You will find your partners name, blog address, mailing address and any allergies or sensitivities they may have. Make sure to read all this information so you don't end up buying them something they cant use. If you need to contact your partner for any reason please do it through their blog.
* Remember to do a post complete with pictures once you receive your package! And link up to it on the McLinky post on October 18th!

Your partner was picked at random. If you have any questions, please leave a comment or email me at Slickslady (at) gmail (dot) com.


Wednesday, October 06, 2010

I've been a busy bee

I know, I say that alot.

But it does explain my lack of especially. I have whipped up a new website layout for my photography business...aePhotography.

Check it out!

Oh and you can drop by the blog here too.

Anywho...when things settle, I have stuff to blog...promise. See ya tonight...or uhhh maybe tomorrow?! :)

Monday, October 04, 2010

Once upon a time...

There was a girl who wanted to make a sweet snack for her Husby...

So she added the ingriedients...

She went to her favorite tool...

...and she mixed, mixed, mixed.

She followed directions...and put the yummy goodness in the cupcake wrappers...

...dropped in the special bonus...

She baked them all up...

and showered them with homemade icing and chocolate chips...

In her excitement, she anticipated her sweet Husby's return home to try the special treat...

He opened the treat...

and he took a big 'ol bite...she held her breath for the results...

She peeked through her squinted eyes to see the sweet-toothed-response, but it was not what she expected to see...

"Something is missing!" says her oh so-sweet Husby...

and sure enough, something was amiss. She had worried that this sweet treat had fallen short her goal to please the tastebuds of her lifelong love...but this only saddened her more. The sweet treat, and the bonus inside had failed to return the response that she wanted.

she may have sulked for just a moment before being swept up with encouraging words from her Husby.

Maybe she will try again soon to please the tummy of her Husby...but for now she chose to rest her feet and thank her Husby trying taking the risk to try her treat...

Better luck next time :)

Sunday, October 03, 2010

My "painted wallpaper" look...

Well, I did it. kind of

I found this tutorial and template Friday. I just knew I had to do it.

So I cut out my template, cranked the tunes on my ipod and got to work. Here was my blank wall. My test wall.

And here we have my template. Lovely. Here we go.

And boy did it suck. It was horrible. After about 8 tracings my lines started going all wonky and it wasn't matching up very well. So I gave up and painted over it all.

On to plan B. oops. I forgot to come up with one of those.

So, I went back upstairs and sulked in the living room sat in the chair and researched other ideas.

Another type of stencil?
Painting the whole shape on the wall?

What a minute? What if I made my own sponge stencil type thingee....??

Crazy enough to work? Well I am crazy enough to try, that's for sure.

So I did.

I took some old foam stuff I had laying around. See why I keep random things dear Husby? :)

I cut small strips and hot glued them around my cardboard template. Then I covered it with white paint and went to work... 

So far, so good. I am really liking it. So I go into this plan knowing that I am going to fill in the spongey parts with more white paint for a solid white look. But I am actually liking the spongey look...

Oh boy do I love it...Is this really going to work?!?! *giddy with excitement*

It looks kind of aged...

I nearly finished an entire wall in just 25 minutes. I went as far as I could until we can move the freezer for me to get the wall behind it. I also have to cut the template down when I am all done so I can do the top and bottom of the wall too...

I am seriously IN LOVE with it!!!

I  have had this stupid grin on my face most the evening. Now I just need to finish the rest of the walls that I am using this technique on, then work on my divider, where I will be doing the opposite look. A white divider and grey shapes on the divider.

I can't wait!!

Friday, October 01, 2010

OMG...I could wet myself.

So you guys remember this post a couple days ago? Where I confessed my undying love talked about how much I want to design using Quatrefoil?

Well. I found it.

I know what I am going to do.

Gosh, I am so giddy now. You should see me...silently clapping my hands and twirling in my chair at work...

So I was reading over at Nannygoat and she was talking about "painted wallpaper." To be honest, I almost skipped it...but I saw this picure peeking up at me...and as mentioned in the title...almost wet myself.

Do you see what I see?  A remotely similar design to quatrefoil. Oh yes. And even an eerily similar color to the one in the Pantry.

Oh yes. The heavens parted, the sun shone through and I heard angel singing as I continued to read her post.

She said she found the template over at Jones Design Co. I ran over as fast as my little fingers could get me there. Then I saw HER example too.


I cannot WAIT to try this!

and the final result...
Did I mention that I am dying over here?!?!'s settled.
I'm doing it.
Here's the template.
I have printed it.
I will cut it out when I get home.
And at some point this weekend. I will, I will be painting.
