Wednesday, April 07, 2010


We are here...alive...just no bloggy...

Our mini anniversary trip was lovely...

the crown molding has been purchased...

we are sc'erd...for reals...

it looks like we are in for a treat in installing them!

Ok....more soon, until then I am loving the time OFF!!


Anonymous said...

Hey April.. it's your swap buddy. I just wanted to let you know I'll be on vacation all next week, so I won't be able to make a post about the swap until I get home to open it. Just wanted to let you know beforehand so you didn't freak out that I forgot or it got lost.

I bought the cutest thing for your package today.. I almost was tempted to keep it for myself. :P

MrsMonicaLB said...

Happy Anniversary!
Enjoy your time and good luck with the crown molding,when your done come on over to my house,I would love some put up!

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