Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving (simple pleasure thursday)

Cory Writing.....

Instead of doing simple pleasures today we are going to do "what are you thankful for." I am going to list the ten things that I a thankful for this Thanksgiving.

10. My health
9. My financial stability
8. My secure career
7. A great house that I live in that fits all my needs
6. A great church family
5. Great friends that care about me
4. A great second family (my wife's family)
3. A great family that cares for each other no mater what
2. Everything that my parents have done for me to make me the person I am.
1. A great wife that loves my strengths and tolerates my weaknesses.

Those are the top things I am Thankful for. Please share the things or thing that you are thankful for.

1 comment:

April E. :) said...

I am totally cheating...but not really...I do mean these too!
10. My health and my weight loss
9. My financial stability and our great jobs
8. My new career...Baby Signs
7. A great house that I live in that fits all my needs
6. A great church family
5. Great friends that care about me
4. A great second family (my husband's family)
3. A great family that cares for each other no matter what
2. Everything that my parents have done for me to make me the person I am.
1. A great husband that loves my strengths and tolerates my weaknesses.

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