Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Stinkin' Labor Day.

April writing...

Boo. That one word can sum up my emotions right now. Boo. Boo. Boo.

I missed my window of time to start my medicine for the IUI procedure. Without getting too personal, the timing of a few pertinent things was just off...that and the long holiday weekened, coupled with some misunderstandings on my part...well that leaves us at...oops.

So it looks like we will be giving it another shot at the end of September sometime. I am now clear on the process and hopefully I have it all figured out!

So...now you know. Boo.


- Sarah :-) said...

What a bummer!! But at least you know how it all works, now, right? I mean - 10 months from now...

I'm just sayin...

- Sarah :-) said...

(For clarification: that was in reference to when there could be a little tyke.)

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